Calm the chaos: start where you are.

Organic local Rainbow fruits and vegetables

Healing from chronic illness, digestive dysfunction, hormonal imbalances, and trauma often feels like chopping garlic.

We pull back the hardened outer shell, eager to discard what may at first seem unusable.  Peeling back the layers reveals a luminescent bundle of interconnected vessels, each bulb glistening if we slow down enough to delight in their obvious beauty

Some of them are sprouting and vital.  Others are dried up and starting to brown.  Some are adorably small, leaning against the other bulbs that grew round and motherly.

With each chop, little pieces might spread across the counter and even find their way to the kitchen floor: it can get messy.  As we look closer, we might reveal soft spots requiring more deliberate attention, while other places remain perfectly vital.

In the process, we find other sections that are absolutely radiant just as they are 

After the appropriate amount of mincing, what remains is a nourishing bounty: rich in aroma, each piece touched deliberately by the stroke of the knife, glistening atop the cutting board now resting from its service.  The outer shell of the garlic even proves useful as vital fuel for the compost, allowing for even richer soil for another plant to flourish when the time is right.

So often, chronic illness can feel like a never-ending test. It wears us down and can harden our shell with stress and tension as we put life on hold while we wait for the symptoms to dissipate.  With so many labs, supplements, dietary protocols, restrictions, on top of the full-time job of managing symptoms, it can feel overwhelming to untangle the roots at the core.

Oftentimes, the body needs LESS rigidity, less rules, less “should,” (not more), to finally step out of this chronically stressed and overly-structured state.

The body needs more love, not less, to finally shift into safety, rest, digest, and cellular repair.

The body might require more rest and doing much less, at least while balance is initially restoring to your system.

At Living Roots Wellness, we use a root cause approach, balancing both the physical & the emotional simultaneously. With dogma-free nutrition inspired by Dr. Ray Peat and Weston A. Price, paired with parts work, somatic experiencing, CBT, NSDR, visualization, EFT tapping, lifestyle tweaks, and brain rewiring tools, we finally get to the core of the issue that other practitioners might’ve missed.

When we understand the interconnectedness of trauma, stress, nutrition, and metabolic energy production, we can finally give the body & mind exactly what it needs to heal and gracefully remove what is no longer of use. This message might contrast with what even the best-intentioned functional doctor will tell you.

I’m here to help you heal yourself, when it feels as if all else has failed.

By focusing on releasing past traumas, dimming the switch on our stressors, DEEP cellular nutrition and detoxification, and rewiring outdated beliefs and reactions to external and internal stimuli, the body finally has a chance to heal.  Really heal.

True healing doesn’t require another restrictive diet, a binder of lab tests, a cabinet of supplements, and more diagnoses to add to the list. 

Instead, healing might require un-learning everything you’ve been led to believe about “diet” and “health” this far. It might mean eating what your body craves, what is easily digestible, allowing for cellular respiration, and learning to fuel your cells with exactly what they need and have been needing all along.

The goal is that you can feel empowered about your body’s capability to heal itself, confident in who you are, and feel inspired & uplifted by your own thoughts as you live your human life. 

The tools are simple and practice is required, with the biggest reward of delight, joy, and newfound well-being as your metrics of healing.

Each shift takes you closer to that energized, flexible, playful, creative, and curious version of you that’s felt blocked from years of managing complex & chronic health issues.

I am here to help support you as we work together to chop the garlic that is your health journey so far. 

We can make friends with the soft spots to heal the gut, rewire the brain, calm systemic inflammation, and get back to living in a way that has ripple effects on an individual and collective level.

Isn’t that what it’s all about, anyway?

I will leave you with the simple reminder to calm the chaos, start where you are, and trust that your body can heal when given the appropriate tools. Your body has all the answers it needs: I’m here to support you, empower you, uplift you, guide you, and provide clarity and resources as you rewire and nourish your WHOLE self for genuine healing.



We offer 1:1 coaching, monthly group coaching, and a brain rewiring & EFT Tapping app at

Coaching emphasizes pro-metabolic nutrition support, hormonal balancing, EFT tapping (emotional freedom technique), brain rewiring, and trauma work, focused around chronic illness, trauma, stress & hormonal imbalances.

In tandem, the multi-faceted approach rebalances states of chronic disease for true healing after highly restrictive diets & strict protocols may have failed.

Feel free to schedule a free, 30-minute discovery Zoom call if this sounds interesting.

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The Blog

Follow along my personal experiments, medical research, recipes, and other simple tricks intended to support you on your path towards health and sustainable energy production.

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Our Practice

Living Roots Wellness is Zoom-friendly, able to meet with clients around the globe regardless of time zone.

Theresa is booking 1:1 sessions & group calls via zoom to adjust to the changing times and to continue helping those seeking gut+brain+trauma support.

Zoom sessions for 1:1 brain rewiring, EFT Meridian tapping, trauma-release work, and nutritional consults available now.

EFT Tapping App & Community:


Keeping your body healthy is an expression of gratitude to the whole cosmos - the trees, the clouds, everything.

— Thich Nhat Hanh