Caffeine Conundrums

Caffeine Conundrums

“I believe humans get a lot done, not because we’re smart, but because we have thumbs so we can make coffee.” -Flash Rosenberg

Is it possible to drink coffee & tea as pro-metabolic, nutrient-dense, tools?

What if caffeine makes me nervous, jittery, foggy, or interrupts my sleep?

Can coffee be a part of a "healing" diet if I have a chronic disease, histamine issues, or insomnia?

Just some bean-based thoughts discussing the healing effects of caffeine in the context of metabolic healing and increasing cellular respiration. Perhaps the fear placed on coffee is not the threat we’ve been led to believe… perhaps there’s healing where we’ve been told to be weary.

Some of the benefits of coffee include supporting liver function, healing NAFLD, increasing glucose tolerance and ATP production, acting as an anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, pro-dopamine agent. increasing our muscles glycogen uptake, restoring thyroid function, reducing endotoxin by regulating motility, antagonizing excess estrogen, increasing memory & focus.

It truly is a miracle in a cup if we take the time to honor and appreciate all that coffee can do for our bodies and our minds.

Any questions?

“Without my morning coffee I’m just like a dried up piece of roast goat.” -Johann Sebastian Bach

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