Releasing Medical Overwhelm & Health Anxiety

Releasing Medical Overwhelm & Health Anxiety

This tapping sequence is intended for those with binders of lab tests, shoe boxes of supplements, who have seen practitioner after doctor after naturopath and still feel slightly heavy with gut issues, hormonal imbalances, "mystery" symptoms, fatigue, depression...Perhaps wondering: when will this go away? What is the next treatment I “should” try?

For those of you that jump from "healing" diet to diet, from fasting to low fodmap to GAPS to keto to fruitarian to Whole30 to pro-metabolic and might feel lost and fearful when it comes to what to eat, what not to eat...when to eat...when to fast....when not to fast...what to remove, what to add back in....what supplements to take...what supplements to definitely NOT take...!

This is for those of you that identify with feeling overwhelmed with all of the conflicting medical advice, nutritional claims, and even with the feelings that you're doing everything right, but still feel quite sick.

Curious how this resonates with you.

Feel free to send to a friend that might need this reminder: it is safe to slow down. Healing happens slowly, when we soften our grip on what we think life is supposed to look like. It is safe to trust your body and find your own way, gently, slowly, peacefully.

Your body is already healing. Just ask the cells…

If this type of work interests you, feel free to reach out for 1:1 or group sessions.

EFT Tapping for Chronic Illness

EFT Tapping for Chronic Illness

Embracing Our Suffering

Embracing Our Suffering