Tapping with T: EFT community & app

Tapping with T: EFT community & app

It’s finally ready…the full library of EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) Tapping videos, guided meditations, visualizations, recorded group calls, and breathing exercises updated weekly based off of what members (like you!) request!

We also have a forum intended to build community, make video requests, ask questions, share insights, wins, and reflections, access the live group calls, and to celebrate the non-linear path of healing together.

Head over to www.tappingwitht.com for a 7-day trial to learn more about and see if it feels like a good fit.

I’m also DELIGHTED to announce the Tapping with T app, available for iPhones & androids.

The idea is that you can learn to heal yourself with as much or as little practice “shifting” and rewiring as feels GOOD to you.

The way we heal turns out to be how we live our lives, especially when working with chronic symptoms and complicated portraits of being a human don’t just go away overnight.

That’s GREAT NEWS if you’re ready to find more ease, lightness, and maybe a bit of delight in the process. Symptoms turn out to be our greatest teachers, so we learn to relate to even the most debilitating ones with a sense of openness, kindness, and eventually, surrendering into deep states of healing and gratitude when they finally seem to loosen their grip. (Don’t take my word for it: try out some of my free videos and see!)

Feel free to email me at theresa@livingrootswellness.com with any questions, concerns, conundrums, or clarification.

If you’re ready to dive in, put on your tapping shoes (or even better, come barefoot) and let’s get tapping!

(I should also add that members of tappingwithT can now join my monthly live group EFT calls included in their membership. Sometimes, it’s nice to remember we are all healing together. We do better together… and so that is what we shall do!)

The Heal Yourself Podcast

The Heal Yourself Podcast

Caffeine Conundrums

Caffeine Conundrums