Frequently Asked Questions about Colon Hydrotherapy

Frequently Asked Questions about Colon Hydrotherapy

What is colon hydrotherapy?

In the simplest sense, colon hydrotherapy is the art of delicately washing out the entire colon with repeated fillings of warm, filtered water.  This form of bodywork helps revitalize the colon by expelling compacted and often, very old fecal matter, trapped gas, mucous, and unwelcome pathogens and their toxic waste products.  It involves repeatedly infusing the colon with water using a speculum gently inserted into the rectum, which hydrates the colon, softens the impacted stool, which then allows the water to carry the waste out with each release.  

All of the equipment is sterile and single use, so there is no risk associated with infection.  The client's discretion and comfort remains a priority throughout the treatment, allowing for total relaxation and full releases.

Why would someone need colon hydrotherapy?

The health of your entire being revolves around the health of your gut.  While eating well, managing stress, moving your body and above all else, living a joy-filled and stimulating life can mitigate the buildup of toxins in the gut, endotoxins are released naturally when colon bacteria feed on the undigested foods that we eat.  Every time we eat, the critters inside us end up feasting, too. The more toxic by-products they release, the more it interferes with cellular respiration and overtime, the more depleted our bodies become attempting to function normally.

Colon cleansing is an essential facet of living well in our current environment with the constant pollutants and stressors we face just by being alive.  

Whether you’ve experienced gut discomfort for years or recently started having issues, dealing with nagging skin conditions, fatigue, insomnia, chronic inflammatory conditions, pain, brain fog, a parasite after traveling overseas, feeling run down despite continual rest, or just looking to maintain your vibrant health, colon cleansing could be just the therapy your body yearns for.

How do you feel during a colonic?

While at first it might feel a little awkward to spread your butt cheeks for a stranger, that’s the extent of the discomfort.  Once the speculum is gently inserted, you’re draped with blankets and can relax as the water slowly flows in. You’ll likely get over any feelings of embarrassment or self-consciousness once you’ve experienced the profound improvements from just a single session.

Some people experience a feeling of fullness as the water fills the colon, especially as it comes up against blockages or impacted feces.  Others feel a slight increase of pressure as the water starts breaking down solidified and sometimes, many week-old impactions. However, a skilled practitioner allows for your complete relaxation and discretion, frequently checking in to see how you’re feeling and adjusting the water pressure and temperature accordingly.  

A truly gifted practitioner works with the unique rhythms of your colon, known as peristalsis, to ensure that each fill and release work in tandem with the natural contraction of your colon.  Many of the best practitioners massage the belly to encourage a full release. This massage, while functional, often feels deeply rejuvenating, similar to the quality expressed by a sleepy cat receiving a belly rub.  Pressure points along the colon can help to trigger specific body regions, again allowing for a more complete release.  

There are few things as relaxing as releasing pounds of sludge from your colon, especially when it’s been chronically backed up and fermenting for weeks. Releasing this matter alleviates a massive burden of toxicity from the body so that it can finally work on releasing what it doesn’t need, absorbing what it does, and repairing projects in desperate need of attention.

As the waste flushes out, it’s not uncommon to feel a burst of mental clarity, a sudden improvement in mood and energy, an emotional release, and an overall sense of vitality return to the system. What could be better than that?

How do you feel after a colonic?

This is what most people look forward to most.

I’ve personally walked out of sessions smiling like a lunatic, in complete awe of the profound contrast between before and after.  Any bloating or swelling caused by bacterial fermentation almost entirely clears up, the belly softens, fatigue evaporates, and energy seems to bubble out of each cell with ease.  Most people feel a burst of energy, balanced with a sense of relaxation and inspiration to tackle things that previously felt overwhelming, but now feel easy or even exciting.

There is something so heavenly and so divine about walking out of an appointment and feeling calm, yet filled with gusto and inspiration to get on with the important tasks of the day--especially those requiring focus, clarity and energy.  When your body is no longer tackling internal poisons from fermenting waste and the resulting inflammatory cascade, the brain can freely focus on meaningful tasks with newfound ease.  

Who benefits from a colonic?

If you’ve been blessed with rapid, regular digestion and  bowel movements one to three times a day, I applaud your genetic resiliency!  You likely won’t require a colonic until very old age, if at all, and can rely on your colon to shuttle out the waste for you.  I encourage you to celebrate this often overlooked ability and work to maintain the health of your colon by keeping transit time short, eating nutrient dense, easily digestible foods, while  keeping stress low and fun high. What a true gift, to be able to have a bowel movement and get on with life, knowing that the flourishing of your entire being depends on this critical and wildly under-appreciated function!

If constipation, IBS, brain fog, bloating, mood swings, or any GI discomfort has plagued you for many years, you’ve likely adapted to feeling low energy, sluggish, have food sensitivities, gas, and may even identify with feeling depressed or tired for no obvious reason.  Brain fog, lethargy, and even low-thyroid function and hormonal imbalances all trace back to a sluggish gut, which of course, compounds the matter, as toxins reabsorb through the intestinal wall and then overburden the detoxification organs, like our liver and kidneys, even further.

I’m ready to feel better, but where do I start?

Do your whole self a favor: support your local colon hydrotherapist, wherever you are, and schedule a session! 

Your gut, brain, and SOUL will thank you.

Just a single session could dislodge some very ancient crud, allowing your body’s self-healing abilities to kick in and kick start wonderful changes in your overall sense of wellness.  By freeing up a massive load of toxic matter, the body can do what it’s been trying to do all along, resulting in a better feeling, more youthful, energetic and playful version of you.

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